Is now the best time to unload your Maurice Clarett cards


There comes a time in every collectors life where they need to ask themsleves if now is the best time to cut their loses and attempt to sell a failed investment quest. Recently, a rash of low numbered, hard to find Maurice Clarett cards have popped up on eBay from a single seller, and it begs me to ask the question: “Is now the best time to unload your Maurice Clarett cards?” Clarett, who is 2 years into a 7 year prison term, will probably never see action in the NFL, but still remains a favorite for quite a few Buckeye collectors. Check out this amazing stash of Clarett cards to find their way on to eBay over the last week:

As of October 2008, Clarett has been blogging about his life in prison on The Mind of Maurice Clarett; although he does not have Internet access in the prison, he sends his entries to family members, who post them for him.